X-Ray Vision Isn’t Just for Superheroes – It Can Make Us a Lot of Money

As a kid, I really wanted X-ray glasses.

I wanted to be like Superman, using my special powers to look through walls to fight the bad guys.

I imagined looking straight through my hand to examine my bones – as the ad showed.

I even managed to scrape together the $1.25 to get them.

Once they arrived in the mail, though, it didn’t take long to realize it was all a sham. They never worked as advertised. They were just flimsy plastic with cardboard where the lenses should be and a tiny pinhole covered with transparent material. This supposedly gave the illusion of X-rays.

I was so disappointed. I quickly realized it wasn’t about seeing my bones or fighting crime so much as it was wanting an ability others didn’t have.

Over the years, I’ve thought about that often. Because in the end, I made my own version of X-ray glasses. Only these really work. No marketing ploys or unkept promises.

And these X-rays allow me to see something that no one else can. That ability others didn’t have that I was ultimately striving for as a kid.

I can see where the money is flowing.

Maybe that doesn’t sound all that cool. Having the ability to see through concrete walls like Superman might sound more impressive.

But this X-ray vision is one of the backbones of my Quantum Edge system. And it can help you make a lot of money.

Sounds a little cooler now, doesn’t it?

Let me show you the power of my stock market X-Ray glasses…

It All Starts with Big Money

Big Money is what we call those institutions and Wall Street players that invest massive sums of cash into stocks. Big Money moves stocks up, down, and all around.

But it’s nearly impossible for the everyday investor to track. These pros are able to keep their activity quiet – if they didn’t, prices of the underlying stocks would move so fast they would end up chasing their own trades.

When huge professional money managers buy and sell stocks in an unusually large way, they leave invisible footprints. Invisible unless, of course, you have those X-ray glasses.

Take a look at a stock I recommended to my Quantum Edge Pro subscribers: Cactus, Inc. (WHD). WHD has risen over 45% in the past six months, and check out what my X-ray glasses spotted:

Source: MAPsignals.com

Those green bars aren’t visible to the naked eye or in the price quote. They are what I call Big Money buy signals. You can see how they are lifting WHD higher, with the latest spike less than a week ago.

My Quantum Edge system looks for three things: superior fundamentals, strong technicals, and Big Money flowing in. Being able to see that unusual, large-volume buying sets us ahead of the rest and allows us to ride Big Money’s wave to profits.

What My X-Ray Is Seeing in the Market Now

I wrote to you on Saturday about the seismic shift in stocks recently. (If you haven’t seen it, check it out here.) Basically, big tech took a hit while small-caps exploded.

So, what’s really going on?

I shared this with my Quantum Edge Pro subscribers earlier today, but it’s so important that I want to make sure you know about it as well. It shows us what I think is the trade of the year.

Let’s take those X-ray glasses off for a second and look at the massive breakout with the iShares Russell 2000 tracking ETF (IWM).  This is the index for small-cap stocks in the U.S., and that breakout is plain as day – no need for superpowers.

Now put those glasses back on:

Source: MAPsignals.com

Those green buy signals are what most people can’t see. They show the unusually large buying that is clearly lifting the IWM.

Now let’s look at another X-ray, this time showing buying and selling by market capitalization. Starting the day before that earthquake of a move with the IWM, we can see where all that money has been flowing…

Source: MAPsignals.com

Big Money can’t hide when we have our X-ray glasses on. Small- and mid-cap stocks saw huge inflows – 85% of all buy signals.

Being able to see Big Money buying puts us ahead of most investors. That’s why it’s a critical part of my Quantum Edge system and my stock recommendations.

This seismic shift and other data point to small-caps exploding higher in the coming months. That’s great for those of us who have our X-ray glasses on and utilize that stock-picking superpower. My Quantum Edge Pro portfolio already goes after these smaller stocks, and I’ll be using my X-ray powers and data to recommend the best small-caps to my subscribers.

In fact, one of our recent additions saw another Big Money buy signal just last week – and it’s still below my buy-up-to price. If you’d like to take advantage of this incredible X-ray vision that no one else has, click here to learn more about joining Quantum Edge Pro today.

Talk soon,

Jason Bodner
Editor, Jason Bodner’s Power Trends