Off to the Races: Earnings Are Revving – And We’re Looking to Buy

Over the next few weeks, thousands of companies will tell us how much they money they brought in during the last quarter, how much they made, and in most cases, what they expect for the future. Tucked inside that stampede of earnings are some major moneymaking opportunities.

Yet Another Sign Stocks Are About to Zoom

Click to take a look at this investment chart. Sure looks like a ride you’d like to take. It’s not what you think it is, but it’s something you should care about. The real story here is a good one … one that shows a big rally in stock prices is on the way.

3 Signs the Bottom Is Near – And That It’s Time to Buy

Market watchers and investing pros talk about capitulation all the time in down markets, but it’s a very squishy concept. I’m a data guy, so “squishy” doesn’t cut it for me. Neither does guessing or intuiting. Here are three data points that shout BUY right now.

After the Pains Come the Gains – That Are Just Around the Corner

Things are pretty glum out there. There’s a lot to be confused about and very little to be excited about… unless you can see what’s coming. Fortunately, my Big Money Index (BMI) is really good at doing just that. Even better, it’s indicating that a potentially explosive rally is just around the corner. And there’s still time to get ready…

7 Big-Name Stocks with This Big Red Flag

I’m not against debt. I have debts myself. I’m sure you do, too. But too much of anything can be a bad thing. And that goes double for debt… especially right now. I have incorporated debt considerations into my Quantum Edge algorithms from day one.

The Stocks Big Money Is Buying Right Now

True to form, September was the worst month for stocks so far this year. Your gut may be telling you to jump off the rollercoaster, but you have to resist that urge. I don’t say that because I want it to be true … I say that because the data tells us that’s the right move.

Three Reasons You Should Buy Stocks Now

Now is the time to make up lost ground… or better yet, build on what you’ve already made this year. My data says stocks are soon about to heat back up. But time is running out to grab some of the highest quality companies in the market at these lower prices.