The Best Stocks You’ve Never Heard Of (But Need to See)

To make money in stocks, you have to be predictive – not reactive. The good news is, once you line up all the predictive factors – like the ones I use to rank stocks with my Quantum Edge system – you’ll zero in on winners before all the other investors have even heard of them at all. In fact, out of my Top 20 stocks I provide weekly to my institutional and hedge-fund clients, only a handful tend to be household names.

Can These First-Half Big Winners Continue to Lead the Way?

The first half of 2023 was the Nasdaq’s best in 40 years. It wasn’t quite that history-making for the S&P 500, but it was still that bellwether’s best showing in four years. Those index gains are peanuts compared to the stocks leading the way. The question now is whether those big winners are likely to keep cranking out the gains – or if their first-half momentum is unsustainable. That’s what our Quantum Edge system is designed to tell us.

This Was a Record Breaking Weekend

Last month, I wrote to you that it was shaping up to be a very strong summer travel season. And…wow, has that turned out to be the case.
Travel stocks have also run hot this past month with nine weeks of travel season still ahead. So, here are the most interesting findings on specific stocks from my Quantum Edge system as the summer wears on.

Auto Stocks Surge – Here’s an Even Better Play

Inflation is coming down, and we’re also starting to see car prices ease as supply-chain issues finally resolve and inventory becomes more plentiful. Shares of the biggest U.S. automakers have also come alive, especially in June. Ford (F) surged 25%, with Toyota (TM) and General Motors (GM) both popping around 15%. Should investors jump on the momentum? Or is it a nice little run that can’t last? Let see what my data shows. And I’ll tell you about an even better auto-related stock…

The Surprise #1 ETF in My System Leads to Interesting Buys

Six months ago, I don’t think anybody would have predicted which exchange-traded fund would lead the ETF rankings in my Quantum Edge system halfway through the year. You know I think investors can make more money in individual stocks, but ETFs are valuable vehicles… and they’re a good source for stock ideas. Even surprising ones.

Brokerages Use Your “Free” Trades Against You – Here’s How We Turn The Tables

Trading volume drops every summer. You might think that means quiet and sleepy trading, but the opposite is often the case. It can be a difficult environment in which to make money. Except for those big Wall Street firms that use supercomputer firepower – and information gleaned from trades made by investors like you – to make money even when volume is low. Here’s how it works… and how to exact a measure of revenge.

If You Sit Out This New Bull Market, You’ll Feel Snake-Bit

The biggest risk investors like us face right now isn’t inflation. It isn’t the Federal Reserve. It isn’t even recession. The biggest risk is missing out. Of being so afraid of getting bitten again that we bail out of stocks and get left behind… like right now as the new bull market appears.

Six Stocks that Big Money Has Been Buying (Over and Over)

It’s certainly true that technology stocks, especially semiconductor stocks, and other growth companies have led the market’s big rally since last fall. But my Quantum Edge sector rankings show that, while tech remains “The King,” all other sectors are rising, too – and their Quantum Scores are surging into that same tech territory.

5 Stocks on My Moneymaking “Watch List”

With a break in the trading action, it’s a good day to bring you Part II of my interview with TradeSmith CEO Keith Kaplan. We talk more specifically about how to invest in this market, and I share five high-ranking stocks to put on your radar.

Your Mid-Year Game Plan: What’s Happening Now And What to Expect Next

TradeSmith CEO Keith Kaplan recently asked me to sit down for a midyear check-in: To see what I’m looking for in stocks, and to get some thoughts on what investors should be doing right now. Keith is a friend – and my boss! – so I was on my best behavior. Seriously, though, our talk led to some useful insights about where we are, where we’re going, and how to make the most of it…