4 Catalysts Set to Launch the Next Big Lift In Stocks

Six months ago, I predicted a “Big Lift” in stocks, and that’s what we got. Now, exactly half a year later, the financial landscape is once again lousy. Inflation. Interest rates at their highest level in nearly 15 years. A slowing economy. And yet, the triggers are there to ignite a powerful new rally in stocks… call it the “Big Lift 2.0.”

The Secret to Making Money In This Market – And Keeping What You Make

In my Quantum Edge Pro portfolio, we had a stock with one of the most beautiful Fundamental Scores you’re likely to find: 87.5 out of 100 in my Quantum Edge system. Then, on Wednesday, we SOLD that stock. Cashed out and walked away for 25.5% total gains. I share this story as a helpful example of how to think, how to act and how to move in this messy, uncertain market.

My Proprietary Ratings on 4 Tech Giants Reporting Earnings This Week

This is an important week in the market. Technology has been the strongest sector in the market since Jan. 25, according to the proprietary buying and selling data in my Quantum Edge system. And four of the biggest tech companies in the world report earnings this week. Here’s how they stack up.

My System Spotlighted These Five AI Stocks – And Crowned One as King

I’ve been around long enough to have lived, worked, and traveled through a number of technology-breakthrough eras. But the AI hype machine accelerated faster and louder than any of those that preceded it. Here’s what’s being said, why every investor needs to know about it, and quantum ratings on five of the biggest companies in the AI race.

Great Lessons from the Greatest of All Time

I’m one of those weirdos who doesn’t watch much TV. I’m also one of those weirdos – okay, maybe a semi-weirdo – who isn’t a big sports fan. With one big exception. I love hockey… specifically, the New York Rangers. And If you want to improve your own life by studying the habits and strategies of world-class performers, Wayne Gretzky should be high on your list of teachers. That includes us as investors.

After a 75% Plunge, Is It Time to Buy Netflix?

Netflix is a legendary stock. It was the “N” in the famous FANG group of stocks. It has gained nearly 30,000% in its lifetime. Over the last decade, it has gained 1,340% – and that includes a devastating 75% plunge in early 2022 as it fell from $700 all the way down to the $160s. It has since doubled off of last year’s lows and begs the question: Is now a buying opportunity at a discounted price? Or are Netflix’s glory days behind it?

‘Trade-Vesting’ Can Make You More Money – And More Comfortable

How’d you feel about the first quarter? If you’re like most investors, your first instinct would be to say: “Gee Jason, it wasn’t so hot.” That’s understandable, but the data tells a different story. This approach can help you crank out wins and feel more comfortable.

3 Best and Worst Stocks in the Market

It may not feel like it, but we kick off the second quarter today after a surprisingly strong first quarter. That said, it’s still what we call “a stock picker’s market” – that rising tide isn’t going to lift all boats. In fact, some are taking on water. Let’s look at three of the best and three of the worst stocks in the market right now, according to my Quantum Edge system.