Massively Outperform the Market by Following the Green Lights Every Day – Not Just Quarterly

Every morning, my master algorithms perform a comprehensive analysis of the roughly 6,000 publicly traded stocks on Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange. They bring in 120 independent data pulls on each and every stock, then apply 80 equations on them to analyze multiple factors – price, volume, earnings, etc. Every company is scored on 29 primary ratings, including 17 technicals, which tell us how shares are trading in the market, and 12 fundamentals, measuring how healthy the company is. All told, that’s nearly a million data points per day – and what a rich story it tells.

A New Form of AI Is Here – and It’s Going to Change the World as We Know It

As AI continues to advance, too many people are underestimating what’s about to hit us – and how quickly. That’s why my colleague Eric Fry – a Global Macro Specialist – is holding a special presentation on how to position yourself for the approaching reality of artificial general intelligence (AGI). While AGI will bring wildly unpredictable change, there will be ways to prepare for – and profit from – its emergence. He’ll share more details during his The Road to AGI Summit scheduled for Thursday, August 22nd at 1 p.m. Eastern.

Look Outside the Box for Back-to-School Stock Deals

To give families a little break, approximately 20 states hold tax-free weeks around back-to-school time. You can buy things like clothing, footwear, and school supplies without paying sales tax on the designated dates. (Sorry, it doesn’t work on cars or houses or other insanely expensive items). With all that money being spent, I couldn’t help but look to see if there were any good back-to-school deals for us investors. Let’s run a few retail companies through my Quantum Edge algorithms and see what we find.

Stocks are a Puzzle – Here’s How I Solve It

When I get interested in something, I can get a little – shall we say – obsessed with figuring out how it works. Just ask my wife and kids. One obsession was learning how to solve the famous Rubik’s cube and its 45 quintillion possible combinations. Talk about a headache.

Volatility Got You Scared? Wall Street Knows That

You may be surprised – and angry – to learn that Wall Street’s algorithms that now dominate trading often increase volatility by driving down the prices of stocks to flush out “weak hands” or trigger stop-loss alerts… with the intention of buying those very same stocks at lower prices. Understanding what’s driving the current volatility might help you avoid potentially serious mistakes and not fall victim.

Updated Quantum Edge Ratings on the “Mag 7”

I joked in Monday’s Power Trends that we should just close the stock market in August and September. I take it back… I think. Stocks have improved since Monday’s selloff – though I expect more volatility ahead in this typically bumpy time of year. But the main reason I “take it back” is that we would miss one of the four quarterly earnings seasons of the year. For a quant guy like me, the data in those reports is the lifeblood of our fundamental analysis.

Power Trends+: Buying Opportunities During this Turbulent Time 

Yes, stocks are down, and that can be painful. But market-wide drops also bring an incredible opportunity to buy superior stocks at lower prices. In today’s Power Trends+, we’ll talk about what exactly is going on with the market and show you some powerful studies that you’ll want to check out during this volatility.

Avoid This Costly Mistake When Stocks Turn Volatile

Can we just close the stock market in August and September? I’m kidding, of course. Sort of. I’m not the only one in favor of this idea. My friend Louis Navellier is on board, and I don’t think it would take much effort to get most of Wall Street to hop on the bandwagon. Most of those pros are out of town in August anyway. Summer is supposed to be the slower-paced relaxing time of the year, but August and September do a pretty good job of raining on that parade. And it looks as if this year will follow the script.

These Underdog Stocks Are Set for Gold

I think we can all agree that those underdog moments make far better stories and are more inspirational than when we see the best of the best win once again (though those moments can also be exciting). Like the Olympics and other sporting events, some specific areas of the stock market are having their underdog moment. We’ve talked about what’s going on in recent Power Trends issues, but I wanted to provide even more incredible data as this small-cap rally continues. It’s that important.