Power Trends+: An Overheated Sector and Two Impressive Stocks You Won’t Want to Miss

There’s something really interesting happening right now with the market and sector rankings. Sectors that used to be consistently stuck in the middle are now leading the pack – Energy, Industrials, and Financials are currently the top three. But the most surprising for me is Utilities. It rose from being the second weakest sector in my Quantum Edge system for a long time to fourth place in just a few weeks – and over the past three months it’s been the top-performing sector in the S&P 500. Mind blown.

This Data Tells Us Stocks May Be Ready to Shoot Higher

When a doctor reads an x-ray, that physician doesn’t really need to know why a bone is broken to know the right way to treat it. It doesn’t really matter if the patient was trying to be Superman on his kids’ backyard trampoline or makes millions of dollars a year getting banged around as a professional athlete. The what – that broken bone – is more important than the why.

The Big Opportunities and Frightening Downsides of AI

AI is coming for your job. Sounds like a scare tactic, right? But it’s becoming a reality. Job loss used to be like Willy Loman in “Death of a Salesman.” You get older, and you get pushed out. Next-generation job loss is becoming even more threatening.

What to Know about the Latest “Woodstock for Capitalists”

As an investor, I love hearing about “Woodstock for Capitalists” – Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholder meeting where folksy and brilliant Warren Buffett spins yarns, shares insights, and tells shareholders how much money they’re making. It’s a who’s who of defining investors… because Warren Buffett is there.

Power Trends+: Analyst vs. AI – Who Will Win?

I’m in the hot seat! And I’m not the only one. Luke is, too. It’s all in fun with some deep analysis thrown in as we shake things up with today’s Power Trends+ and go head-to-head with our quantitative stock-picking system.

Big Money Is Buying this Surprise Sector – Including this Stock

I like to know the “why,” but all I need to know is the “what.” My Quantum Edge system tracks Big Money flows in individual stocks and the market as a whole. That’s the “what.” I can see where the money is flowing. As to the why? Sometimes that comes later. That’s where I am right now with the sector seeing a stunning surge in buying – a surprise sector at that.

Master Volatile Markets with This Fundamental Approach

As a Power Trends reader, you already know that my goal is to take emotions out of investing. The more emotional we get, the more mistakes we make. Well, if there is one thing in investing that sparks emotions, it’s options. People are fascinated, intrigued, scared, confused… and who knows what else. I get it. I spent seven years as Head of North American Equity Derivatives… a fancy title for running an options trading desk. I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. Options can be terrific investments that allow you to do just about everything. I mean, you can make money on stocks that go down. How cool is that?

Will Flying Cars Produce Flying Stocks?

Companies big and small are racing to develop the first viable flying car, or eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing aircrafts) as they are now called. One of the companies in the race is named Jetson. I love it. eVTOLs take off and land by going straight up and down, and they can hover – like helicopters and drones. They run on batteries and are so-far designed to carry two to six passengers, including a pilot.

Power Trends+: Analyzing Four New Stocks Recommended by You

Watch Now… Every time you buy a stock, you’re also rejecting thousands of other stocks. It’s important to analyze both winners and losers to better understand how to find the good and avoid the bad. You continue to help us with that by submitting some interesting companies to analyze. Honestly, we haven’t heard of some […]

Will This May Day Be a Celebration… or a Distress Signal?

If you invest in the highest quality stocks to begin with – those with the best fundamentals, strong technicals, and Big Money flowing in – you’re likely to do yourself more harm than good by selling and hiding for six months. I dug into FactSet data and compiled the average returns by month for the Dow, S&P 500, Nasdaq Composite, and Russell 2000 small-cap index (RUT). And yes, there’s some seasonal weakness in there, but the most volatile month is clearly September.