You Can Beat Wall Street At Its Own Earnings Game – And Make a Lot of Money As You Do

As a former Wall Street insider, I don’t relish in acknowledging the fact that investment pros “rig” the game. I’m not saying they do anything illegal, though we’ve seen that in the past. But as a group, those pros are not above squeezing every possible advantage out of a complicated system, usually at the expense of the rest of us just trying to build our wealth.

Get Ready Now for the Coming Big Lift In Stocks

We’re actually at a critical fork in the road when it comes to stocks and making money. The folks who stay vigilant and opportunistic will follow the path to big wins. Those who sleepwalk their way down that other road will get left in the dust – and could even end up losing big.

Apple’s Next Product Event is Tomorrow – So Here’s a Way to Profit Today

Here comes the annual iPhone announcement that it seems the whole world waits for. iPhones are Apple’s biggest revenue producer – by far. There must be a way to make money off a product whose annual sales would make it the 55th-largest nation in the world, right? There’s the obvious way (buy Apple shares). And then there are the less-obvious – but potentially more profitable – ways to go about it.

ChatGPT Confirmed It: Stocks Are a Better Bet than Football

I’ve had great success picking winning stocks by relying on “predictive analytics” – which starts with massive amounts of data, and uses a systematized analysis to get down to the few moneymaking numbers that matter. So I thought: Why not use that same approach to make an early-season wager on who will win this year’s Super Bowl? And if I could have the same probability of success as my quantum stock-picking system – it’s right 70% of the time – then I might be on to something.

AI Investing Update: My Latest Research on One Stock to Buy – And Three to Avoid

Even with four months left ‘til the end of the year, I think we can say (with confidence) that the emergence of artificial intelligence will go down as one of the biggest stories of 2023. Companies are falling all over themselves to work AI into the quarterly reports. Investors are buying all things AI. And stocks are soaring. You want to buy reality… and beware of the hype.

An Under-the-Radar Streaming Winner

We’ve reached yet another milestone as technology continues to reshape our world and our lives. For the first time ever, fewer than half of us now watch our shows via “traditional” TV. We are now in the age of streaming content. As investors, we naturally want to know if that seismic shift is an opportunity. The answer is yes. But probably not the way most investors think.

Buy Today For Profits Tomorrow – Even in This Crazy Market

I’m a pretty mellow guy, so I never throw things at the financial-channel talking heads. And I usually don’t yell about the crazy things that seem to be happening. (Usually.) But I often feel like just turning it off, walking away from it – for a few days or even a few weeks – and tuning back in later to see if the craziness is gone and sanity restored. That would be a mistake – and a costly one at that.