Five Hot Stocks in a Stone-Cold Market

How’d you like to be up 62% in the last month? Dumb question, I know. Any one of us would take 62% anytime, but especially when most stocks are getting tossed around in notorious August volatility. That 62% is the average gain of five stocks topping the list of a simple stock-searching “screen” I ran. Here’s what I looked for, and what I recommend you do next.

5 Reasons to Invest NOW… Before the Fireworks Begin

August is traditionally a lousy month for stocks – second only to September in terms of terrible performance. Then comes the strongest stretch of the year – by far – for stocks. Now is the time to buy stocks for what I expect will be a fun and profitable finish to 2023. This year, it could easily be more explosive than usual because multiple catalysts are converging at just the right time.

More Rate Hikes? More Like Profit Hikes

It seems like the “gloom and doom” school of journalists are shouting louder than ever… desperate to get our attention while we’re off on that last beach vacation. Or moving the kids into their college dorms, in my case. If the negativity ever starts to get to you, do what I do.

Stocks are a Puzzle – Here’s How I Solve It

When I get interested in something, I can get a little – shall we say – obsessed with figuring out how it works. A recent obsession has been learning how to solve the famous Rubik’s cube and its 45 quintillion possible combinations! The answer is the way to solve any big puzzle, including making money in stocks.

Two Key Moves to Make Now for Big End-of-Year Profits

When Big Money is on vacation, we get lower volume and higher volatility. Now is the time to get in position for the fourth quarter, which is historically the best quarter by far. With Big Money traders tanning themselves at the shore, smart investors can swoop in to position themselves to make the most of what’s coming.

The Four-Letter Word That Sent Stocks on a Wild Ride

Almost everyone  – from the richest in the world to new college grads – is already drowning in debt. And the deep end keeps getting deeper. This wave of debt rolling across the U.S. economy is making its mark in some surprising ways. Ways we can use to position our stock portfolio and stay on the right side of this trend.

The Market Faces a Terrifying Challenge – And Here’s How We Avoid It

In my past life in the world of Big Money investing, I spent eight years as head of “equity derivatives” for North America for Cantor Fitzgerald. Cantor Fitzgerald is one of Wall Street’s blue-chip financial firms, and I mention that only to let you know that it meant tons of money came across my desk […]

Embracing This Change Can Make You a LOT More Money

What’s happening now with artificial intelligence reminds me so much of the dawn of the internet… or Henry Ford’s assembly line … or the steam engine or the Gutenberg printing press. Suddenly, people can log phenomenal achievements – with a fraction of the effort, in a fraction of the time.

To Heck With the Downgrade – Just Be Ready to Buy

You can’t ignore your credit score. It impacts you and your money in a big way. And, this week, the “credit score” of America was cut by a ratings agency. Here’s why I’m not worried – and you shouldn’t be either – and how it’s an opportunity to get ready for the coming Big Lift.