Beware This Year’s Big Gainers

The best stocks aren’t always the best stocks. In fact, they can be dangerous. We all want to own stocks that go up more than any other, but the ones that zoom in eye-popping fashion are often extremely small or extremely speculative. Investors might pile in and hope for the best on one headline, and then they might bail just as quickly on the next headline. You might get lucky and make good money, depending on the timing. But the probability is much higher that you will come out bruised in the end.

Landing the Moby Dick of Stocks and Making Thousands of Percent

My dad is sitting on a nearly 4,000% gain. I watched his $5,650 turn into $227,000… and counting. (I’ve also watched my own $10,000 turn into $0. That’s a story – and important lesson – for another day.) It started in 2017 when my dad asked me about this new-to-him company he heard about: Nvidia (NVDA). We’ve all heard about it now, but I knew it then, as well, as I had already created my Quantum Edge system, and NVDA was flashing in all the right spots.

When 70% Gains in 10 Minutes Is Bad

Within 10 minutes or so, that stock was about 70% higher. It was still tiny and trading just over 50 cents per share, but 70% within minutes is huge. And in this case, a little frightening. The conference attendees in the room were buying shares… even as the speaker talked about it. When it was my turn to get up on the stage, I did a good job killing the excitement in the room by telling them my dishwasher story…

Power Trends+: Picking Stocks Using Just One Simple Number 

In today’s Power Trends+ video, we are reminded of the importance of investing in great companies, not just a great story. You and your fellow readers continue to send in impressive tickers for us to analyze, and even those that are lackluster allow us to demonstrate what to look out for when finding winning stocks.

A Look at What’s Coming – And the Massive Opportunities With It

The story of the next decade in our lives and our investing is what I call convergence. Specifically, The Great Convergence. It’s going to be huge. Three megatrends are converging that will change our world and create massive wealth for smart investors. All three pillars are essential to unleashing the full impact of this technological convergence.

A New Twist on an Old Trend Sets Us Up for Big Profits

The biggest and best investments are often in companies leading the way in megatrends, future-altering ideas, and cutting-edge innovation. Next-generation ideas can produce generational profits. You might be thinking artificial intelligence, computer networking, and robotic medicine. All true. But there’s another massive trend I want to look at today. One that goes back more than 100,000 years. That’s when the first homes were built.

These Stocks Outperform Even in Election Years

Kobe Bryant, one of the greatest basketball players of all time, embodied this pursuit of excellence with what he called his “Mamba Mentality.” He wanted to be better each day then he was the day before. “it’s the process of doing better every day – and doing that for a period of years – that then creates a masterpiece.”  I didn’t think about it day to day, but thanks to those early pushes, I was in full Mamba Mentality while spending an estimated 30,000 hours, at least $250,000, and significant brainpower developing my Quantum Edge stock rating system.

Power Trends+: The Best and Worst of Stocks You Asked For 

We ask you to let us know what stocks you would like us to analyze, and wow did you respond. We have well over 50 tickers on the list, so I decided to once again run them all through my Quantum Edge system to see how they ranked overall and in terms of fundamentals, technicals, and Big Money inflows.  In this Power Trends+ video issue, I’ll walk you through the top four and bottom four of the stocks you’ve asked about.

Opportunity or Danger? Driverless Trucks Might be Heading to a Road Near You

Does the idea of a car that drives itself excite you or scare you? Probably both. Taking a nap, watching a movie, or getting things done (like analyzing stocks!) while en route to your destination sounds pretty appealing. Not to mention not having to deal with other drivers. But “trusting” a 4,000-pound vehicle to safely stop, start, turn, slow down, speed up, and react the millions of ways a human driver would is frightening.